Privacy policies

Privacy policies

United Paper is committed to protecting your privacy. When you make an online order, we need to know your name, e-mail address, delivery address, phone number and associated details. This allows us to process and fulfill your orders and to notify you about your order status. We will also require a land line telephone number in case we need to contact you and for international orders this number may be given to our couriers in order to help with the delivery of your goods. You have trusted us by giving us these details and we promises not to use these details for any other reason other than processing your order or informing you about the products and services. We will not pass any of your details on to third parties for profit or otherwise.
Any information provided by you will be used for contact purposes only. However, we may need to provide your name and delivery address to third parties that are involved in the processing of your order uses for delivering specific services to you.
Your information will not be shared with individual or other companies (such as direct mail organizations or other third parties) unless required by law.
When additional information is requested, we will try to let you know at the time of collection how we intend to use the personal information you provide, such as respond to your inquiry, accept an order, conduct a survey or allow you to access specific information such as account information, etc. We do our best to maintain the accuracy of any personal information supply to us.